Air conditioning and cooling technologies

for very heavy duty uses


Refrind experience for Special Executions

Our expertise allows us to intervene in places where air conditioning and industrial cooling activities are complex but necessary to solve technical problems caused by demanding operational needs. An example of this is our special executions: the production of OEM refrigeration units, customized air conditioners, integrated refrigeration appliances and environmental chambers in extremely challenging technological, environmental and operational situations.

Applicazioni speciali per ogni esigenza

Refrind is able to assist customers that require very high-quality devices for their systems, production processes or technological systems. During our brand’s thirty-year history there have been numerous situations in which we have produced tailor-made machines for cooling and air conditioning, producing a dedicated design, meticulously defining the specifications and carefully managing the product once installed and running.

Expertise applied to customization

This expertise today allows us to intervene in situations where air-conditioning and industrial refrigeration are complex topics in order to solve technical problems caused by demanding operational needs.


The advantages of our special executions

Some of the principal special executions we are involved in include:

Macchine frigorifere capaci di operare in ambienti estremi dal punto di vista delle temperature, degli stress meccanici o in atmosfere aggressive

Sistemi di refrigerazione sviluppati verticalmente su specifica del cliente

Refrigeratori e condizionatori OEM progettati per integrare l'applicazione del cliente

Applicazione della refrigerazione a 360°, oltre l'uso convenzionale

Our “heritage” at the service of the customer

Our air-conditioning and refrigeration technologies and their appropriate use are a heritage of experience that Refrind succeeds in optimizing, while observing safety and high-performance standards, even in extremely sophisticated projects, by using efficient, robust, easy-to-service machines designed for extremely heavy-duty use.

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